We have a 14 days return policy from the day of order dispatch, you may return any product purchased on Starttech Online Market that arrives damaged, defective, missing part or does not match product description back to us. We will exchange the item with a brand new item or grant a full refund upon customer's request. You are required to ship the product, along with all original packaging back to us with a tracked shipping method. After we have received and inspected the returned product, we will send you the replacement free of charge without no extra charge.
If you want to return an item due to change of mind or any other reasons not specified above, you are eligible to return the item and pay the return shipping with tracking number, plus an administration and restocking fee of £30 to process your refund.
Order Cancellation Before Delivery
You may cancel an order for any reason before the item is dispatched for a full refund. You are required to submit your request to us by using "Contact Us" or emailing us at, refunds@starttechonlinemarket.com.
Up to £30 return fee will be charged if an order has already been dispatched. The return fee is to cover part of the shipping and customs clearance expenses incurred during this process.
Refund will be issued and processed through our payment gateway within 3 to 5 business days after the item has been confirmed for return.
We tend to make things way more complicated than they need to be, don’t we? This is a gentle reminder to keep things simple. Just take one step at a time and be fiercely you and full of life. Whether you need a place to keep your writing utensils, a little travel pouch or a place to keep your hair accessories, this pencil pouch is the perfect size and outstanding quality. Snag one for yourself or gift to a friend that needs this reminder as well, because honestly, we all do!