Longrich Berry oil It contains natural tocopherol which helps support your brain, cardiovascular & respiratory system. It has many biological functions and Fat-soluble antioxidants. Protection against toxins such as air pollution, premenstrual syndrome, eye disorder such as cataract, neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetics. It helps the healing process. Reduce cholesterol & the risk of developing cancer. Prevent blood platelet from clumping.
Promote blood circulation to the scalp. Makes heart stay healthy & help limit bad heart condition. Protect the retina of the eye v It should be taken by anyone with a low-fat diet. Contains vitamin E 240mg & linoleic acid 10gram. v It boosts immunity, protects the liver from chemical damage, and suitable for the eye. It contains powerful antioxidants that can help prevent some form of cancer, heart disease & it helps to enhance your body’s immune response to infection. It helps the body reduce the inflammatory action & singlet or free radical oxygen atoms like to combine into pairs. Singlet oxygen atoms are unstable &interact with lipids found in cell walls causing inflammation & damage. It’s a valuable preventive medicine. In addition to their role in cancer prevention, the berry oil offers us protection from heart disease, again it’s antioxidant behaviour protects the lining of the arteries & the fat in the blood from free radicals oxidative damage.
They improve the communication between cells, too which can result in fewer cell mutations, white blood cells attack bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and yeast. It’s among the top 5 anti-aging vitamins. Carotenoid as its ingredient contains vitamin A & protein. It contains 10 amino acids necessary for human health. It’s also suitable for people with hypotension.
- It boosts immunity, protects liver from chemical damage and protects the retina of the eye.
- It contains powerful antioxidants that can help prevent some form of cancer, heart disease and it helps to enhance your body immune response to infection.
- Effective for treating hepatitis patient, for good health and stomach issue (Ulcer).
- Protects kidney from chemical damage.
- Suitable for people suffering from or exposed to chemical.
- Good for people with Cardio vascular disease (heart disease).
- Excellent for women in Menopause, greatly relieves menstrual pain and virginal inflammation.
- Restores youthful looks, promotes supple skin & hair.
- Reduces oxidant damage caused by oxygen which can harm human tissue, cells & organs.
- It has anti-oxidant properties that are due to their capability to bind with reactive oxygen species.
PRESCRIPTION: 120 Capsule 3 x 2 daily, 3 before meal in the Morning, Evening 3 after a meal.